History of seafaring and fishing in Karlobag
The area of what today is Karlobag was inhabited in the first millennium B.C., by Liburnian tribes. The Karlobag area had a favourable geostrategic...Read more...
History of fishing in Croatia
Croatian fishing is mentioned for the first time in 995 in a donation document with which the Zadar nobility, at the time of Prior Madi (986–999),...Read more...
The time of limited progress
Regardless of how much the public was focused on the elections for the town representation and its dissolution, the refurbishment of the port and the...Read more...
Fishing gear used in the channel under Velebit mountain (podvelebitski kanal)
POTS Pots are a piece of equipment in which the fish are caught, or in which the fish voluntary enter and which stops their escape. They are intended...Read more...
Ships for trading and fishing
Ships for trading Trading ships used in Adriatic area are gajeta, trabakul and bracera. Gajeta is a ship with rounded sides and firm keel and frame,...Read more...